Finance Management Software DUBAI

With our project management software, you will be able to integrate all the singular functions previously done separately into one interface. Now you can chat, co-operate on a task, write in ether pad, and share documents with multiple employees simultaneously. A modern interface with multiple view styles allows for better organisation of tasks as well as for keeping track of your progress. It is designed to fit with multiple tools with varied functions tailored to increase your productivity tenfold. The Kanban view allows for single drag and drop function to help you organise your tasks and events into easier chunks. Charts installed allows for you to keep track of deadlines and progress of your projects with a clear overview..

Document Management

Makes it possible to manage all you documents by storing it and making necessary revision whenever you want to.

Interface Management

The Software's various interface designs and customize the perfect template for all the different processes.

Task Analysis

Get statistics on your tasks so that you can perform analysis on the performance of individual members..

Time Tracking

Track the time taken by the project members to scheduled tasks and assign revised schedules accordingly. .

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