Car Rental Software DUBAI

For all of those people wanting to avail a car for the trip with your friends or loved ones, renting one is the best solution. A renting company requires an extensive account of the cars they own, the nature of the contract they deal, the people they loan, and for this we have the best software. It deals in the management of the maintenance policies, accident management, traffic fines, license management, and customer invoicing and reporting. Added to this is the feature of being compatible with multiple languages and the capacity to compare different cars and people on the basis of their insurance validity etc.

Customer Management

To manage all the needs and desires of your customers from a conveniently centralised interface..

Accounting Management

Handle all the monetary and transaction oriented issues efficiently and with deft care. .

Employee Management

Manage all the activities, schedule the agenda and see the service history of all the employees working under your instruction.

Reporting Management

This versatile module will help in the generation of reports related to the performance of the employees. .

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